Thursday, 20 November 2014

How its possible to Smooth Driving, Like a Dolphin

Actually, technology similar to this has existed for a long time. For example, many cars feature systems that curb the output of the engine or automatically apply the brake to one tire in order to stabilize the car.

We could say that this new chassis control technology is an evolved version of the previous control technology systems. 
However, there is one major difference: it doesn’t just work in extreme situations, but also helps when driving normally. It has evolved to help ensure safety and also now enhances the comfort of the driving experience. In what has become known as Gray’s Paradox, the British zoologist Sir James Gray once speculated that for dolphins to be able swim at their speeds of around 50km/h, they should have seven times the muscle mass they actually have.

There are many theories as to why dolphins can swim so fast. One view has it that they are changing part of their body in order to reduce the friction from the water. In other words, they are becoming one with the current and controlling their bodies in order to swim faster. Even after they switched from living on land to the sea, dolphins are still evolving. The new control system is also calculating what is going to happen from the sensors all over the car, and it then controls the engine and brakes so that the driver can have an experience that is fun and relaxing.
It grasps the situation and surroundings, and controls the body functions in order to move more smoothly: just like a dolphin.

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